
Price Monitoring Division

Price Monitoring Division (PMD) in the Department of Consumer Affairs is responsible for monitoring prices of selected essential commodities. The activities of the division include monitoring of the retail and wholesale prices, and spot and future prices of selected essential commodities on a daily basis. Prices are reported daily on the website. Also, there is limited circulation of hard copies of the price reports to disseminate information on price situation to the policy makers on a daily basis. Price Monitoring Division analyses the price situation and gives advance feedback for taking preventive measures to help policy interventions at appropriate time to prevent undesired shortfall in the availability of essential commodities. In the event of shortage of any specific essential commodity and to keep price of the item under control, Price Monitoring Division also implements commodity-specific market intervention schemes to give relief to the consumers.

Price is monitored for twenty two essential commodities (Rice, Wheat, Atta, Gram Dal, Tur (Arhar) Dal, Urad Dal , Moong Dal, Masur Dal, Sugar, Gur, Groundnut Oil, Mustard Oil, Vanaspati, Sunflower Oil, Soya Oil, Palm Oil, Tea, Milk, Potato, Onion, Tomato and Salt) based on data collected from 555 market centres spread across the country representing North, West, East, South and North-eastern regions of the country. The Quality and variety of the item for which prices are reported may vary from centre to centre but remains the same for a given centre. Generally, prices are reported for the Fair Average Quality of the item for a given centre. Every centre has a standard quality and variety of item for which prices are reported by them. Data feeding network and data base of prices (daily price data) are maintained by the NIC cell of the Department of Consumer Affairs under the supervision of Price Monitoring Division.

All India Average Retail Price(₹/Kg) As on 17/02/2025

Grains & Pulses

Rice 43.11
Wheat 32.71
Atta (Wheat) 38.02
Gram Dal 90.68
Tur/Arhar Dal 141.23
Urad Dal 121.83
Moong Dal 112.96
Masoor Dal 89.1


Groundnut Oil (Packed) 192.7
Mustard Oil (Packed) 168.46
Vanaspati (Packed) 149.73
Soya Oil (Packed) 144.96
Sunflower Oil (Packed) 155.53
Palm Oil (Packed) 136.45


Potato 25.58
Onion 36.87
Tomato 23.06


Sugar 45.25
Gur 54.29
Milk @ 58.34
Tea Loose 271.59
Salt Pack (Iodised) 21.48

Additional Commodities

Brinjal 36.44
Black Pepper (whole) 87.63
Coriander (whole) 38.33
Cummin Seed (whole) 47.31
Red Chillies (whole) 31.34
Turmeric (powder) 17.59
Banana 49.67
Bajra (whole) 37.93
Jowar (whole) 43.9
Maida (wheat) 42.13
Ragi (whole) 54.38
Suji (whole) 46.56
Besan 98.93
Desi Ghee 639.18
Butter (Pasteurised) 58.62
Eggs 80.23

All India Average Wholesale Price(₹/Qtl.) As on 17/02/2025

Grains & Pulses

Rice 3870.61
Wheat 2973.54
Atta (Wheat) 3417.53
Gram Dal 8268.83
Tur/Arhar Dal 13127.44
Urad Dal 11173.58
Moong Dal 10377.37
Masoor Dal 8101.49


Groundnut Oil (Packed) 18103.51
Mustard Oil (Packed) 15855.78
Vanaspati (Packed) 13925.75
Soya Oil (Packed) 13521.91
Sunflower Oil (Packed) 14726.65
Palm Oil (Packed) 12901.75


Potato 2006.63
Onion 3066.5
Tomato 1718.87


Sugar 4199.33
Gur 4735.03
Milk @ 5496.35
Tea Loose 24500.02
Salt Pack (Iodised) 1807.62

Additional Commodities

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